Friday, August 28, 2009

We've Moved

Check out the new WordPress blog!!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bye Bye Blogger

This is my last blogger post ever. I don't have much to say... cause I'd rather be outside doing something. Yes. I'll go skate.

ps I'll just be moving my blog to wordpress.

pps I'll probably have ONE more post... to link to my new blog.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

new home

I'm in a new home. Tom and Harry have moved out of Boone. Tom to Winston with his parents till he gets married in October. Harry to Nashville till he sells all his stuff and buys his adventure bike. It's not been two days and I already miss them so much. I've lived with Harry for one amazing year. He's one of the wildest men I know. I love him dearly. Tom I have lived with for the past three years. I love him. I may go into more of what Tom means to me later. But I don't feel like being really sad right now... b/c I'm sitting in Espresso with Thomas, Jared, and Mike.

I love my new home, and I'm super excited about this new chapter in my life.

Praise the Lord for all of His many blessings.

Monday, July 27, 2009

a treasure

First thing I must say... blogger is totally uninspiring. Gotta make the switch to wordpress. (How many times have I said that?!)

So I went to the beach this weekend. I totally and completely needed a break from work.

beach + + grandparents + uncle.sam/aunt.lucy = just what I needed.

Here's what I did/learned:
  1. I learned that I love the beach (I used to really not like it... for whatever reason I'm not sure).
  2. "People don't lift weights because of an anticipation/fear of someone on the street throwing a bar bell on their chest." This is one of the best explanations of why you should go to school and learn math, science, history, etc. You learn to think, solve problems, and make educated decisions... not to know the Pythagorean Theory, or the dates of the Battle of Gettysburg. I've understood this concept, but the analogy really makes sense.
  3. My uncle, my brother, and I went people watching at Barefoot Landing. I haven't gone out with that intent in a while. That was really fun.
  4. Dad inspires me so much. He spent a few hours researching solar chimneys and how they might solve the problem of unaffordable AC in third world countries. They would basically be free and run themselves. It sounds quite genius.
  5. My parents had their 28th wedding anniversary!!! woooooo!
  6. I got an HDMI cable so we could play PS3 on the beautiful HD TV at the condo... so now, naturally, I need (waaant) to get an HD TV to go with my HDMI cable. hahaha.
Now I'm in the process of packing and moving into my new house. I got really sad / choked up about not living with Tom and Harry anymore on the drive back to the mountains. It just hit me how this is happening. right. now. We're out of the house on Friday. I'm not ready. physically. mentally. emotionally. But it's happening anyways, isn't it? I'm going to miss them so much.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

That literally meant the world to me.

.Three of my very favorites.

Welp. I went to the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games today. I wish it was awesome. But it was not. hahah. Too many kilts. Not enough Games. But free tickets were nice. Now I just know that I'll never buy them myself (or go by myself again! eeek).

However, RH's cabin was umpteen times funnier than I could have ever imagined. Those Hardy Boys are just a friggin hoot. And Jeff Watson from Spruce Pine, NC. Never have I ever EVER seen so much energy in one human being. for. real. He was dancing, hard, from when I got there (and no one else was dancing) till when I left... and everyone had stopped long before.

Personal work habit update: I've been doing a lot better job of actually finishing projects. It feels amazing. My next project to finish is Austin's photo slide show for his photo website. Then Chad's fern logo is next on the list. And then (a new one) T-shirt designs for Called To Arms. They're recording a new album right now. I hear its gonna melt more faces than a panini press tanning bed.

Really pumped about:
*Called To Arms' new album.
*Possibly getting CS4 for my laptop.
*New Atomic-Controlled Projection Clock that I got for my birthday!!!
*Brand new set of white socks my brother is getting me for my birthday (I'm throwing away all of my old ones... just like What Not To Wear!)

Oh man! Have I said nothing about my birthday yet?! IT WAS AWESOME!!!! Forman, Ian, Karis, Alicia, Bernie, Tom and Laura took me out to lunch. Wonderful!!! Then Jenks, Bernie, Laura, Alicia, and a whole bunch of other people threw me a surprise party that night! So many people were there. And there was pizza and soda and beer and pie and presents and games. That literally meant the world to me.

Monday, June 29, 2009

one is better than none

my new favorite workstation (at least for writing)

4 things to spend your time on when you have no roommates for a week:
  1. 1 hr on freelance design work
  2. 1 hr on personal website
  3. 1 hr reading
  4. 10 min working out
Day 1: Success!!!

This 'to-do' list of sorts is working out great for me.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

let's call this "overdue"

Five burdens lay heavy on my to do list. You thought I was going to say "heart" or "mind." Nope... my to do list is not getting done. I'll share it with you:
  • Tom & Laura's wedding invitations (more than 2 weeks overdue)
  • Austin's (not mine) homepage flash gallery (more than 3 weeks overdue)
  • Mom's photo website (more than 6 months overdue)
  • Chad's Fern logo (less than a week overdue)
  • My personal portfolio site (a year overdue??)

Possible reasons:
  • I work 40+ hours a week as a graphic designer... therefore I'm "designed out" at 5pm.
  • I play softball twice a week (although that's done now... lossingest team in the worst league in town.... hahaha.)
  • I have a social life (ie friends)
  • I have a slow-ass mac at home (although I did just clean up an IBM ThinkPad... and might get cs4 for soon)
  • I get too distracted by twitter and woot-offs.
Time to kick it in gear. Next time you see me... ask me why the heck I'm not working on my to do list! Then punch me in the mouth (like becca always threatens to do... to anyone and anything) if I have a lame excuse.