Monday, June 29, 2009

one is better than none

my new favorite workstation (at least for writing)

4 things to spend your time on when you have no roommates for a week:
  1. 1 hr on freelance design work
  2. 1 hr on personal website
  3. 1 hr reading
  4. 10 min working out
Day 1: Success!!!

This 'to-do' list of sorts is working out great for me.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

let's call this "overdue"

Five burdens lay heavy on my to do list. You thought I was going to say "heart" or "mind." Nope... my to do list is not getting done. I'll share it with you:
  • Tom & Laura's wedding invitations (more than 2 weeks overdue)
  • Austin's (not mine) homepage flash gallery (more than 3 weeks overdue)
  • Mom's photo website (more than 6 months overdue)
  • Chad's Fern logo (less than a week overdue)
  • My personal portfolio site (a year overdue??)

Possible reasons:
  • I work 40+ hours a week as a graphic designer... therefore I'm "designed out" at 5pm.
  • I play softball twice a week (although that's done now... lossingest team in the worst league in town.... hahaha.)
  • I have a social life (ie friends)
  • I have a slow-ass mac at home (although I did just clean up an IBM ThinkPad... and might get cs4 for soon)
  • I get too distracted by twitter and woot-offs.
Time to kick it in gear. Next time you see me... ask me why the heck I'm not working on my to do list! Then punch me in the mouth (like becca always threatens to do... to anyone and anything) if I have a lame excuse.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Off to work I goooooo!!!!

For some reason the only time I have to blog is when I actually wake up in the morning. Now that's not totally true. I just don't think about it till it's too late (ie. 7:26... when I need to leave for work at 7:36... and I still have to brush my teeth.) Boooo forgetting to blog. Someday. Maybe. I'll really write something worth reading (or remembering years from now when I look back on this blog to remind myself of how far I've come and how dumb I used to be). Welp! Off to work I goooooo!!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


BREAKING NEWS: Transformer Working at Waffle House

I've been so busy doin stuff, I haven't had time to write about it. So between strawberry shredded wheat and shaving, I'll take a min to lay out somethings I need to write about:

  • NYC
  • OHIO
All these topics and more should be coming soon... as long as nothing else out of the ordinary pops up and takes me away to some other state.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Brought To Tears

Skating tonight was like...
...playing in the championship game. The game against the best team in the league. The team that hasn't lost a game in years. They are all over 6'5" / 200 lbs / all gonna play in college. You know you don't have a chance. Despite all odds though, you stay with 'em for a while. It's 27 - 21 in the first quarter. You've got a chance. You can take 'em if you play right, play smart. But that was a while ago. Not tonight. Tonight, it's the end of the game. The last quarter. The last minute. You look up at the score board. Out of nowhere, it's
43 to what might as well be a million. You don't know how they got so far ahead. It really doesn't matter what you do now. They have already won. But everything in you keeps going. You put more into this part of the game than you've ever put into any part. of any game. ever. But all that comes out is Frustration. Anger. Sadness. Remorse. You Run. Kick. Push. Fight. all for nothing. You cannot win. It's over. Yet you continue. Your vision gets blurry. You get sloppy. But you will not go out with a whimper. There will be nothing left of you when the buzzer rings. All of you is left on the court. That's the only way you'll have it. But it's all over now. They beat you. Defeat. Pain.
In the end, you had a good season. great teammates. a great coach. a fun time together. But this is your last season and you lost the championship game. There are tears shed. You're uncertain of what the future will be like. But one thing you know is you're going to miss what you had.
I am dismayed at the closing of Boone's skatepark. Tonight was probably the last time I'll ever skate that place by myself. It's even likely that was the last time I'll ever skate it. That park was the biggest, and probably the best thing that happened for the kids(young and old) in this town. Shoot. I shouldn't even try to make it about "the kids." I'm talking about myself. It was the best thing for me. But I know everybody who spent every spare moment out there would agree with me. That was my favorite place in this town.
Again, I'm brought to tears to see it go.