Five burdens lay heavy on my to do list. You thought I was going to say "heart" or "mind." Nope... my to do list is not getting done. I'll share it with you:
- Tom & Laura's wedding invitations (more than 2 weeks overdue)
- Austin's (not mine) homepage flash gallery (more than 3 weeks overdue)
- Mom's photo website (more than 6 months overdue)
- Chad's Fern logo (less than a week overdue)
- My personal portfolio site (a year overdue??)
Possible reasons:
- I work 40+ hours a week as a graphic designer... therefore I'm "designed out" at 5pm.
- I play softball twice a week (although that's done now... lossingest team in the worst league in town.... hahaha.)
- I have a social life (ie friends)
- I have a slow-ass mac at home (although I did just clean up an IBM ThinkPad... and might get cs4 for soon)
- I get too distracted by twitter and woot-offs.
Time to kick it in gear. Next time you see me... ask me why the heck I'm not working on my to do list! Then punch me in the mouth (like
becca always threatens to do... to anyone and anything) if I have a lame excuse.