Friday, March 20, 2009

i think i'll talk about twitter

Hello this is... oh uh, Welcome To The Show. Today we have VIP Guest Thomas Schambach, who also has a VIP Guest, Tony Danza... I mean Austin Saylor.

Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself. So tomorrow I'm doing something I haven't done in a while. I'm talking to the graphic designers at App! Talking in front of a group is what I haven't done in a while, but luckily, this time, I get to say whatever I want! It's about my experiences in the "real world."
(WHOAH... deja vous... no... it was a double deja vous. weeeeeird) Anyways, being that I'm so recently a graduate of the department, I'm going to give what advice I can think up. I'm basically going to just talk about my experience with spurts here and there of comic relief. ie Thomas E.S. It will be ridiculous no doubt. I think I'll talk about twitter some. I think it's great. And the more people use it, the more important it becomes and, hopefully, better conversations will happen.

Man this is just like I did it in school. Wait till the last min. This is gonna be fun.

Now for a plug... My friend Sam make beautiful music. It's really unreal.

Friday, March 6, 2009

3/4 cig

Finishing off the night with e2 (e squared) a pbs renewable energy special. Rural communities using wind energy, 3rd world countries using solar power and biodeisel, and cars not running on petrol... electric, biodeisel, ethanol, et Gotta get something of worth in my brain after Beverly Hills Chihuahua. (yes, it was so bad)

I had three quarters of a cigarette + three quarters of a beer tonight. I haven't smoked a cigarette in like 5 or 6 months. I never smoked much before. probly 5 / week max and 35 total cigs ever. but i like not smoking at all more than an ocassional cigarette. my throat hurts. cigarettes make me feel bad.

Its hard to transition from being around people all the time to being alone. i think that's why i havae the tv on. tom's in ATL and harry's in Charlotte. its so weird to be here with no one else. but i think this is the third time this has happened in the last couple weeks.

Wow.Tired.This is not going to make much sense tomorrow. haha. who knows. maybe i write better half asleep.... then again, like most things i do half asleep... it's probly half as (good.night)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sweet Sabbath


I have been busy. Feels like I don't take time to calm down. I love what I'm doing... but it is tiring. I'm going to spend this Sunday like a real Sabbath. No work... just being still... reading... watching... listening.

Just thinking about stillness is great.