Saturday, February 28, 2009

Home, James

I'm going to Raleigh in about an hour. Gotta hang out w. mah main man Forman, for he is (NY)city bound. That is totally his element. He's gonna thrive. And I'm gonna visit. haha.

So, yesterday I was listening to my T.I. / Lil Wayne / other various gansta rappers Pandora station. This is a usual thing, but the most unusual thing happened. It played Paramore. Although awesome, they are far from gangsta.

Speaking of gangsta... we had a couple of gangsta wannabees do an amature job of tagging our work building, and the owner has said he will give $5,000 to anyone who can give a lead to the arrest & conviction of the two who done it. ECRS is the building, but Howard St was hit multiple times by the two hoodie clad hooligans. If Pete had caught them red-handed, he woulda put them in a world of pain... because he JUST finished paying off the building... and they tagged it over his parking spot.

Alright, all right. Time to pack. Can't wait to see my parents. Maybe I'll get to see Julia as well. It's her birthday and I haven't seen her in almost a year.

Monday, February 23, 2009

staring out to sea

I am realizing that this design world is not just a big pool of a community, it is an ocean. Things I'm diving into (pun intended? maybe): Twitter + PSDTuts + VECTORTuts + NETTuts + Behance + Harvest + Blogger + Facebook + lots and lots of blogs. But what I really want to do is actually develop some sort of relationship with real people out there. Right now its waaay abstract. Like I said before, if not only to myself, I want to give back to this community (as well as get more out of it) because I still feel like I am just standing on the shore staring at the sea.

Today I got contacted by someone who found me in my old high school's 'yellow pages.' It's only been out for a couple of days. This could be promising! This guy wants logo work + website. And I'm going to use Harvest to track my time / pricing! Stoked about that.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

all about videos

Harry Skeen: Adventurer

Today is a great day for the video world of the web. Well, the video world doesn't know it yet... but I'll let it in on a little secret: Tom has finished editing Harry's BEST JOB IN THE WORLD video application. It's incredible. Harry is the world's best adventurer. I don't believe anyone could do a better job adventuring around the Barrier Reef (Australia) than my tall, sharp-jawed roommate Mr. Skeen. But may I also add that Tom is the newest, bestest, up'n'coming videographer in the High Country.

The next video... I'll show right here. But since I'm writing this so far down in the blog, and there's a video to grab your attention... you've prbly already started it, and possibly assumed that it's Harry's video. Harry is in this video. But this was just a great day of canoeing. But now that I think of it, I wish we I called it "I wish we had ice skates."

For your viewing pleasure:

"Canoeing on a Lake" .... or "I Wish We had Ice Skates"

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Decisions Decisions Decisions

Welcome to my brain! Here are a few things I need to decide... and soon.

1. Where to live.
2. Whether to start a separate design blog or just do that on my own website (when I actually design it).
3. Delve into html / css (your traditional website format) or flash (new edgy, cool, interactive websites). I've been using flash heavily at work but I don't know how much I like it anymore (as far as full website). It's cool... or at least it can be. But I personally have been more into the functionality of static html sites / blogs. It's a tough decision. I'll prbly go into html sites for now, then get bored of that and switch back to flash.

It's funny to talking about these BIG DECISIONS I have to make... mostly because I pretty much already have an answer.

Now time to build a flapjack ocean scene ( for Harry's video application for The Best Job in the World (

Not OK

Pretty sure we have an opossum (or some other rather large rodent) in our attic!!! Yesterday it knocked some boxes down from a loft in the garage. I thought an intruder was hiding up there. It must be playing with the mice / shrew / various baby rodents that may be up there.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Feb 14th

Happy Valentine's Day

NikeID : Harry and I created some sweet Nike kicks... not these... but it is Valentine's day.

Pandora : Adele station... She is lovely.

I'm really excited right now. Sitting next to me is the new GameInformer.
Front Cover : God of War III
Can't wait.

Working on : MorningStar Website

Distractions : Woot, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr

Decisions to make : Where to live next year. I want to make this decision this weekend.

Saw Art Society last night @ Dragonfly Theater. bird with no legs / the deacons played first. I almost left my card at the bar. that would have sucked.