Saturday, February 28, 2009

Home, James

I'm going to Raleigh in about an hour. Gotta hang out w. mah main man Forman, for he is (NY)city bound. That is totally his element. He's gonna thrive. And I'm gonna visit. haha.

So, yesterday I was listening to my T.I. / Lil Wayne / other various gansta rappers Pandora station. This is a usual thing, but the most unusual thing happened. It played Paramore. Although awesome, they are far from gangsta.

Speaking of gangsta... we had a couple of gangsta wannabees do an amature job of tagging our work building, and the owner has said he will give $5,000 to anyone who can give a lead to the arrest & conviction of the two who done it. ECRS is the building, but Howard St was hit multiple times by the two hoodie clad hooligans. If Pete had caught them red-handed, he woulda put them in a world of pain... because he JUST finished paying off the building... and they tagged it over his parking spot.

Alright, all right. Time to pack. Can't wait to see my parents. Maybe I'll get to see Julia as well. It's her birthday and I haven't seen her in almost a year.

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