Thursday, May 28, 2009


the best deceptions

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


This is a running list of places I want to live sometime in my life.
(in no particular order)

  • LA
  • London
  • The Beach
  • Chicago
  • NYC
  • Washington DC
  • Greenville, SC
  • Italy
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Sedona, AZ
  • Breckenridge, CO
  • Nashville, TN
  • Vancouver, Canada
  • Boston

This Day Went By Too Fast

.Harry's Mug

I finally took some time to wind down from work. Sitting in Espresso News I just sketched... for about an hour... sipping the coffee out of the sunflower mug I was drawing.

But today seriously went by too fast. It's 11:49, and it feels like it should be 8 or maybe even 7. But that totally beats a slow day. Am I right people? Yes. I am.

For some reason I am frustrated right now. But I don't know why. I think it's cause I haven't played Skate2 in a while. I skated IRL today for like 15 min max. I didn't have my skate shoes, so all I could do was shuvits / big spins. Mostly big spins. Fakie frontside big spins to be exact.


Tomorrow I will:
  • go to work
  • work real hard
  • probably get frustrated at work
  • but get a lot done!!!
  • come home and pack for NYC!! (old highschool teacher, Brian Tsai, is getting married)
  • wish I had more time for... every... freakin thing I wanna do

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Will I See You This Summer?

Santa Monica Beach, LA (last spring)

I am completely unsure of the possibility of seeing the beach this summer. I didn't see it last summer. I really want tooooooo.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

6 - 33

It's great being a frat. It felt so natural.
Thanks, Jenks for Delta Delta Poo Pi PARTAAAY.
YAY 21!!!!

Cut the party short for a softball game.
So many bad things could be said about that game.
But I still enjoyed myself and don't regret going.

WTF allergies?! Where the heck did you come from?
Allergies make me feel pitiful.
I don't like feeling pitiful.
But sometimes I am pretty pitiful.
Pitiful pitiful.
I don't want to go to work tomorrow.

I love you Jenks, glad you're 21!!! :)

Monday, May 11, 2009


Step Back From that Ledge My Friend

I had no idea.

I am more than happy that I stayed for that movie.

Everyone should watch Yes Man.

(YAY pizza night!!!)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Grandmother (mom's mom), Maw-Maw (dad's mom), MaMa (my mom)

Mother's Day

It's Mother's Day and I'm feeling sadder than I would prefer. I don't know why. I'm pretty sure I just need to wake up more. I'm still in a sleepen-stupor.

The people I'm with:
mom, grandmother, maw-maw
dad, granddaddy, paw-paw
ben's on his way!

I'm so proud of my brother. He will forever have my highest esteem. He just graduated from Furman University. My granddad also graduated from FU (in 1951). I think he's giving Ben his college ring... and they're going to engrave '09 on the side of the ring so it'll have '51 + '09 on it. That is so cool.

My brother has always amazed me. He is so stinking smart. and quick. and witty. But the best thing is he uses these qualities to approach people. and genuinely engage people. and love people. He is truly inspiring.

I had the most amazing car ride with Granddaddy after graduation. He doesn't talk much in groups. Grandmother's the one with the charmingly endearing 'loud' mouth (I say that with NO NEGATIVITY whatsoever for realz). So it was just me and him. And I haven't talked with just Granddaddy in quite a while. So I wasn't sure what we were going to talk about. And honestly I don't remember everything we talked about. But he told me about his college days, and how he played all the intramural sports and ran around with the fraternity brothers, although he never joined a frat. I learned that he lived with a guy in a fraternity for three years, and that Granddaddy was the pitcher for his fast pitch softball team in college. Then when he went into the Service... he pitched for a team in England. They played other US base teams as well as British teams. I had no idea. He is amazing.

Beyond gaining an understanding of how my granddad was when he was in college, we cut up a whole bunch, telling some jokes we might not repeat around Grandmother. Then he quickly asked, "Austin! Do you like HOT DONUTS?" "YEESSSS!" I exclaimed. So we pulled into Krispy Kreme and he got us a dozen 'hot ones.' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....

My family continues to amaze me.
Happy Mother's Day.
I feel better now.
God is good.
Real good.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

four thirty six ante meridiem

I couldn't tell you exactly why I'm up right now... at 4:36AM. But I can tell you that I fell asleep sometime after 8:30PM watching Serenity, having just eaten my delicious turky burger and triscuits. :):):) I then woke up at 4:25AM in my bed, lights on, work cloths on. WHAT? weird. But it gets weirder. I was dreaming that I was zooming around the city in my old Celica with Thomas Schambach screaming THIS IS AWESOME THIS IS AWESOME.

//side note: I'm literally watching a shrew run around in my kitchen / dining room. gross.

//back to blog.... So we were being chased by a drug dealer... and the chase ended up turning into a choreographed dance-music video!

So now I'm sitting at my ghetto desk, wishing we didn't have another shrew in our house, eating chocoa pebbles, and debating going into work 3 hours early.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

6 hr nap

who doesn't like pups? this one was in central park nyc.

I just slept from 5pm to 11pm.
That completely confused my body.
I'm listening to some awful Pretty Girls Make Graves song on Pandora.
I've had such an amazing weekend so far.
I love weekends.
So much.
It doesn't matter if I stay up till 7am.
Sometimes, that's just the right thing to do.
I may just play a video game now.
It's been a while.
My brother is graduating from Furman University.
That is blowing my mind.
We're both out of college.


In between (rant) and (/rant) is... a rant. Well, its more of an explosion. It's how I felt for a few minutes. So read if you wish... but I'm better now. Still slightly upset. Well, actually more than slightly upset, but i'll be fine.

MAN, F*** DREAMWEAVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but only on my site! not ecrs's. uuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh. i'm waaaay too tired to deal with this. i'm going to go skate. all around campus. all over town. uuuuuuuuggggghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

actually i'm probably just gonna be pissed for a while. yep. a long while. I hate when crap like this happens.

I finally take some time to work on this website, and I can't do anything!!@#$!@#R)*(@#UR()@#*U