Friday, August 28, 2009

We've Moved

Check out the new WordPress blog!!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bye Bye Blogger

This is my last blogger post ever. I don't have much to say... cause I'd rather be outside doing something. Yes. I'll go skate.

ps I'll just be moving my blog to wordpress.

pps I'll probably have ONE more post... to link to my new blog.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

new home

I'm in a new home. Tom and Harry have moved out of Boone. Tom to Winston with his parents till he gets married in October. Harry to Nashville till he sells all his stuff and buys his adventure bike. It's not been two days and I already miss them so much. I've lived with Harry for one amazing year. He's one of the wildest men I know. I love him dearly. Tom I have lived with for the past three years. I love him. I may go into more of what Tom means to me later. But I don't feel like being really sad right now... b/c I'm sitting in Espresso with Thomas, Jared, and Mike.

I love my new home, and I'm super excited about this new chapter in my life.

Praise the Lord for all of His many blessings.

Monday, July 27, 2009

a treasure

First thing I must say... blogger is totally uninspiring. Gotta make the switch to wordpress. (How many times have I said that?!)

So I went to the beach this weekend. I totally and completely needed a break from work.

beach + + grandparents + uncle.sam/aunt.lucy = just what I needed.

Here's what I did/learned:
  1. I learned that I love the beach (I used to really not like it... for whatever reason I'm not sure).
  2. "People don't lift weights because of an anticipation/fear of someone on the street throwing a bar bell on their chest." This is one of the best explanations of why you should go to school and learn math, science, history, etc. You learn to think, solve problems, and make educated decisions... not to know the Pythagorean Theory, or the dates of the Battle of Gettysburg. I've understood this concept, but the analogy really makes sense.
  3. My uncle, my brother, and I went people watching at Barefoot Landing. I haven't gone out with that intent in a while. That was really fun.
  4. Dad inspires me so much. He spent a few hours researching solar chimneys and how they might solve the problem of unaffordable AC in third world countries. They would basically be free and run themselves. It sounds quite genius.
  5. My parents had their 28th wedding anniversary!!! woooooo!
  6. I got an HDMI cable so we could play PS3 on the beautiful HD TV at the condo... so now, naturally, I need (waaant) to get an HD TV to go with my HDMI cable. hahaha.
Now I'm in the process of packing and moving into my new house. I got really sad / choked up about not living with Tom and Harry anymore on the drive back to the mountains. It just hit me how this is happening. right. now. We're out of the house on Friday. I'm not ready. physically. mentally. emotionally. But it's happening anyways, isn't it? I'm going to miss them so much.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

That literally meant the world to me.

.Three of my very favorites.

Welp. I went to the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games today. I wish it was awesome. But it was not. hahah. Too many kilts. Not enough Games. But free tickets were nice. Now I just know that I'll never buy them myself (or go by myself again! eeek).

However, RH's cabin was umpteen times funnier than I could have ever imagined. Those Hardy Boys are just a friggin hoot. And Jeff Watson from Spruce Pine, NC. Never have I ever EVER seen so much energy in one human being. for. real. He was dancing, hard, from when I got there (and no one else was dancing) till when I left... and everyone had stopped long before.

Personal work habit update: I've been doing a lot better job of actually finishing projects. It feels amazing. My next project to finish is Austin's photo slide show for his photo website. Then Chad's fern logo is next on the list. And then (a new one) T-shirt designs for Called To Arms. They're recording a new album right now. I hear its gonna melt more faces than a panini press tanning bed.

Really pumped about:
*Called To Arms' new album.
*Possibly getting CS4 for my laptop.
*New Atomic-Controlled Projection Clock that I got for my birthday!!!
*Brand new set of white socks my brother is getting me for my birthday (I'm throwing away all of my old ones... just like What Not To Wear!)

Oh man! Have I said nothing about my birthday yet?! IT WAS AWESOME!!!! Forman, Ian, Karis, Alicia, Bernie, Tom and Laura took me out to lunch. Wonderful!!! Then Jenks, Bernie, Laura, Alicia, and a whole bunch of other people threw me a surprise party that night! So many people were there. And there was pizza and soda and beer and pie and presents and games. That literally meant the world to me.

Monday, June 29, 2009

one is better than none

my new favorite workstation (at least for writing)

4 things to spend your time on when you have no roommates for a week:
  1. 1 hr on freelance design work
  2. 1 hr on personal website
  3. 1 hr reading
  4. 10 min working out
Day 1: Success!!!

This 'to-do' list of sorts is working out great for me.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

let's call this "overdue"

Five burdens lay heavy on my to do list. You thought I was going to say "heart" or "mind." Nope... my to do list is not getting done. I'll share it with you:
  • Tom & Laura's wedding invitations (more than 2 weeks overdue)
  • Austin's (not mine) homepage flash gallery (more than 3 weeks overdue)
  • Mom's photo website (more than 6 months overdue)
  • Chad's Fern logo (less than a week overdue)
  • My personal portfolio site (a year overdue??)

Possible reasons:
  • I work 40+ hours a week as a graphic designer... therefore I'm "designed out" at 5pm.
  • I play softball twice a week (although that's done now... lossingest team in the worst league in town.... hahaha.)
  • I have a social life (ie friends)
  • I have a slow-ass mac at home (although I did just clean up an IBM ThinkPad... and might get cs4 for soon)
  • I get too distracted by twitter and woot-offs.
Time to kick it in gear. Next time you see me... ask me why the heck I'm not working on my to do list! Then punch me in the mouth (like becca always threatens to do... to anyone and anything) if I have a lame excuse.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Off to work I goooooo!!!!

For some reason the only time I have to blog is when I actually wake up in the morning. Now that's not totally true. I just don't think about it till it's too late (ie. 7:26... when I need to leave for work at 7:36... and I still have to brush my teeth.) Boooo forgetting to blog. Someday. Maybe. I'll really write something worth reading (or remembering years from now when I look back on this blog to remind myself of how far I've come and how dumb I used to be). Welp! Off to work I goooooo!!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


BREAKING NEWS: Transformer Working at Waffle House

I've been so busy doin stuff, I haven't had time to write about it. So between strawberry shredded wheat and shaving, I'll take a min to lay out somethings I need to write about:

  • NYC
  • OHIO
All these topics and more should be coming soon... as long as nothing else out of the ordinary pops up and takes me away to some other state.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Brought To Tears

Skating tonight was like...
...playing in the championship game. The game against the best team in the league. The team that hasn't lost a game in years. They are all over 6'5" / 200 lbs / all gonna play in college. You know you don't have a chance. Despite all odds though, you stay with 'em for a while. It's 27 - 21 in the first quarter. You've got a chance. You can take 'em if you play right, play smart. But that was a while ago. Not tonight. Tonight, it's the end of the game. The last quarter. The last minute. You look up at the score board. Out of nowhere, it's
43 to what might as well be a million. You don't know how they got so far ahead. It really doesn't matter what you do now. They have already won. But everything in you keeps going. You put more into this part of the game than you've ever put into any part. of any game. ever. But all that comes out is Frustration. Anger. Sadness. Remorse. You Run. Kick. Push. Fight. all for nothing. You cannot win. It's over. Yet you continue. Your vision gets blurry. You get sloppy. But you will not go out with a whimper. There will be nothing left of you when the buzzer rings. All of you is left on the court. That's the only way you'll have it. But it's all over now. They beat you. Defeat. Pain.
In the end, you had a good season. great teammates. a great coach. a fun time together. But this is your last season and you lost the championship game. There are tears shed. You're uncertain of what the future will be like. But one thing you know is you're going to miss what you had.
I am dismayed at the closing of Boone's skatepark. Tonight was probably the last time I'll ever skate that place by myself. It's even likely that was the last time I'll ever skate it. That park was the biggest, and probably the best thing that happened for the kids(young and old) in this town. Shoot. I shouldn't even try to make it about "the kids." I'm talking about myself. It was the best thing for me. But I know everybody who spent every spare moment out there would agree with me. That was my favorite place in this town.
Again, I'm brought to tears to see it go.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


the best deceptions

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


This is a running list of places I want to live sometime in my life.
(in no particular order)

  • LA
  • London
  • The Beach
  • Chicago
  • NYC
  • Washington DC
  • Greenville, SC
  • Italy
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Sedona, AZ
  • Breckenridge, CO
  • Nashville, TN
  • Vancouver, Canada
  • Boston

This Day Went By Too Fast

.Harry's Mug

I finally took some time to wind down from work. Sitting in Espresso News I just sketched... for about an hour... sipping the coffee out of the sunflower mug I was drawing.

But today seriously went by too fast. It's 11:49, and it feels like it should be 8 or maybe even 7. But that totally beats a slow day. Am I right people? Yes. I am.

For some reason I am frustrated right now. But I don't know why. I think it's cause I haven't played Skate2 in a while. I skated IRL today for like 15 min max. I didn't have my skate shoes, so all I could do was shuvits / big spins. Mostly big spins. Fakie frontside big spins to be exact.


Tomorrow I will:
  • go to work
  • work real hard
  • probably get frustrated at work
  • but get a lot done!!!
  • come home and pack for NYC!! (old highschool teacher, Brian Tsai, is getting married)
  • wish I had more time for... every... freakin thing I wanna do

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Will I See You This Summer?

Santa Monica Beach, LA (last spring)

I am completely unsure of the possibility of seeing the beach this summer. I didn't see it last summer. I really want tooooooo.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

6 - 33

It's great being a frat. It felt so natural.
Thanks, Jenks for Delta Delta Poo Pi PARTAAAY.
YAY 21!!!!

Cut the party short for a softball game.
So many bad things could be said about that game.
But I still enjoyed myself and don't regret going.

WTF allergies?! Where the heck did you come from?
Allergies make me feel pitiful.
I don't like feeling pitiful.
But sometimes I am pretty pitiful.
Pitiful pitiful.
I don't want to go to work tomorrow.

I love you Jenks, glad you're 21!!! :)

Monday, May 11, 2009


Step Back From that Ledge My Friend

I had no idea.

I am more than happy that I stayed for that movie.

Everyone should watch Yes Man.

(YAY pizza night!!!)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Grandmother (mom's mom), Maw-Maw (dad's mom), MaMa (my mom)

Mother's Day

It's Mother's Day and I'm feeling sadder than I would prefer. I don't know why. I'm pretty sure I just need to wake up more. I'm still in a sleepen-stupor.

The people I'm with:
mom, grandmother, maw-maw
dad, granddaddy, paw-paw
ben's on his way!

I'm so proud of my brother. He will forever have my highest esteem. He just graduated from Furman University. My granddad also graduated from FU (in 1951). I think he's giving Ben his college ring... and they're going to engrave '09 on the side of the ring so it'll have '51 + '09 on it. That is so cool.

My brother has always amazed me. He is so stinking smart. and quick. and witty. But the best thing is he uses these qualities to approach people. and genuinely engage people. and love people. He is truly inspiring.

I had the most amazing car ride with Granddaddy after graduation. He doesn't talk much in groups. Grandmother's the one with the charmingly endearing 'loud' mouth (I say that with NO NEGATIVITY whatsoever for realz). So it was just me and him. And I haven't talked with just Granddaddy in quite a while. So I wasn't sure what we were going to talk about. And honestly I don't remember everything we talked about. But he told me about his college days, and how he played all the intramural sports and ran around with the fraternity brothers, although he never joined a frat. I learned that he lived with a guy in a fraternity for three years, and that Granddaddy was the pitcher for his fast pitch softball team in college. Then when he went into the Service... he pitched for a team in England. They played other US base teams as well as British teams. I had no idea. He is amazing.

Beyond gaining an understanding of how my granddad was when he was in college, we cut up a whole bunch, telling some jokes we might not repeat around Grandmother. Then he quickly asked, "Austin! Do you like HOT DONUTS?" "YEESSSS!" I exclaimed. So we pulled into Krispy Kreme and he got us a dozen 'hot ones.' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....

My family continues to amaze me.
Happy Mother's Day.
I feel better now.
God is good.
Real good.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

four thirty six ante meridiem

I couldn't tell you exactly why I'm up right now... at 4:36AM. But I can tell you that I fell asleep sometime after 8:30PM watching Serenity, having just eaten my delicious turky burger and triscuits. :):):) I then woke up at 4:25AM in my bed, lights on, work cloths on. WHAT? weird. But it gets weirder. I was dreaming that I was zooming around the city in my old Celica with Thomas Schambach screaming THIS IS AWESOME THIS IS AWESOME.

//side note: I'm literally watching a shrew run around in my kitchen / dining room. gross.

//back to blog.... So we were being chased by a drug dealer... and the chase ended up turning into a choreographed dance-music video!

So now I'm sitting at my ghetto desk, wishing we didn't have another shrew in our house, eating chocoa pebbles, and debating going into work 3 hours early.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

6 hr nap

who doesn't like pups? this one was in central park nyc.

I just slept from 5pm to 11pm.
That completely confused my body.
I'm listening to some awful Pretty Girls Make Graves song on Pandora.
I've had such an amazing weekend so far.
I love weekends.
So much.
It doesn't matter if I stay up till 7am.
Sometimes, that's just the right thing to do.
I may just play a video game now.
It's been a while.
My brother is graduating from Furman University.
That is blowing my mind.
We're both out of college.


In between (rant) and (/rant) is... a rant. Well, its more of an explosion. It's how I felt for a few minutes. So read if you wish... but I'm better now. Still slightly upset. Well, actually more than slightly upset, but i'll be fine.

MAN, F*** DREAMWEAVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but only on my site! not ecrs's. uuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh. i'm waaaay too tired to deal with this. i'm going to go skate. all around campus. all over town. uuuuuuuuggggghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

actually i'm probably just gonna be pissed for a while. yep. a long while. I hate when crap like this happens.

I finally take some time to work on this website, and I can't do anything!!@#$!@#R)*(@#UR()@#*U

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

:| :| :| :| minus 2

3rd time's a charm right? (kinda not liking blogger right now, btw)

So, we had a great feast at our house tonight. Great crowd. Great food. Great ghetto tarp for the storm that was-a-brewin.

I love when people come out to our house. I love visitors. I especially love when new people come out here.

So why did I want nothing more than to grab my proverbial 'snickers' and get away. far far away?! I did not feel at home. at all. ugh. I haven't felt this self-pitiful in a long time! hopefully the Lord will show me what the heck was up... once I get over myself.

Just called Bernie with her "IT'S 11PM!!! WAKE UP AND DO YOUR HOMEWORK" call. haha. (ps she asked me to do that, I don't just do that on the reg.)

K. time to go catch some pups on the boob tube. A hundred and one of them to be more precise.



Thursday, April 23, 2009

I Luv Listerine

Just Plain Ridiculous + has nothing to do with this post.

Why do I have the desire to tell everyone that my boxers are torn up both legs, my room is messier than it has been in a while, and I've needed to do laundry for more than a week? I really don't know for sure. But those are things of which I'm not particularly proud. What I am proud of is how I haven't been overworking myself. I've spent time with a lot of people... some people I don't usually see much. What blessing 'new' people can be in your life. I could use some good roommate time though. I feel like it's been quite some time.

Wow. I just fell asleep. I guess that means it is bed time. That works quite nicely for me b.c I'm writing this with my iPhone while laying in my bed. Teeth brushed and Listerined, I'm all set! Goodnight.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I Need To Paint My Munny

When am I going to make this jump to WordPress???... its killing me. I'm emotionally there already. I just feel like I have so little time to work on it.

I just told a friend I was going to bed... but I have to make a list first. but also first I have to watch the slow loris once more. IWANTONE!!! ok... that list:

  • I work 40 hrs/week
  • I wish I could use tweetdeck at work
  • I wish I could live 3 or 4 or 5 lives to do everything I want to do
  • I loved Josh Garrels' concert
  • I love my men's league softball (GO FOXPRO's)
  • I want to start a blog for our softball team
  • I need to make my mom's website
  • and my site
  • and a friend's site
  • I feel like I need to be better organized
  • I simultaneously feel like I need to be more spontaneous
  • In a neutral way... I feel like a ballerina spinning around and never stopping
  • Life is flying by. Where did it go?
  • I love my life
  • I really really love my life
  • I really love God
  • I really miss Darren Sheely
  • I want to be everywhere all at once
  • It must be crazy being God, I don't know how he can handle it.
  • I need to color my Munny. (thanks Lane for making me think of that)

That list was a lot bigger than I thought it was going to be.

Listening to Manchester Orchestra. 1st time. I'm diggin it. Every once and a while I feel a little Foo Fighters shining through. (WHAT!! Can I not move the playhead on myspace? Let's pray that's a quirk.)(still not used to having to click through ads to listen to music :| )
Wow, they are good.
They are playing on Thursday in Carrboro.
They are probably sold out.
I also have to work Friday.
Ooooh to be more organized or spontaneous...

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Short post here.
Great weekend so far.

TOM & LAURA GOT ENGAGED!!!!!!! I love them so much.

Great worship down in High Point.
Met Jose at a Quickie Mart and he told us we were glowing.
what a great night.

Softball practice.
It's gonna be a good season of D League ball this spring.

Skatepark sucks now.
Helmet + Elbow Pads + Knee Pads = Lame and zero people will go to the park now.

Gorgeous day for a surprise ice cream party for Happi.
Some great great people out there today!

Bout to have a little Tom & Laura celebration.
Did I say I love them?
I love them.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter

Welp, I'm at my grandmother's house. Just sittin in the living room. Everyone's gone to bed. And I've read about 30 blogs tonight. My eyes hurt.

I'm abso-lutely loving my company-shared iPhone. haha. I'm completely sold on it, and I'm getting one as soon as I move from my house (that does not get at&t service!). I don't use this company-shared iPhone for calls... but I did call someone today... because I got 6 or 7 missed calls from the same (boone) number. But it was a wrong number. (I don't even have a clue what this iPhone # is... SO DON'T ASK FOR IT!!! haha j/k. but seriously, don't ask... I won't/can't give it to you.)

Anywho... my Easter Break has been great. I have seen more family than I expected (always good). I'd guess there were about 40 people at dinner on Friday.

Also on Friday, we (me, dad, gpa, and cousin jack) went to the golf course, played (almost) one hole... then the thunder came a-rollin in.... and the lightening with it. So, since standing in the middle of a field, weilding metal rods wasn't on our to-do list, we headed back home.

My dad is
a jack of all trades: He built a 'lean-to' on a shed to give shelter to the farmall tractor that he rebuilt that he's going to use to till the land for his farm once he retires from working at IBM as a software programmer / manager. Also, he and I were talking about going into business together building websites. He's than great.


I have loved this break from work! I needed it. I think I'll be ready to hit the ground running on Monday... but I still have Easter to enjoy and celebrate!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

10 + Things that Did NOT Work

Before I get to the things that didn't work...
I made up a word last night. Incredibible.

Last weekend nothing worked for me...

  1. left work to hang out with people only to realize they were in charlotte
  2. remembered that I didn't go to Charlotte b.c I wanted to go to the Banff Film Festival. but I forgot to get tickets and they were sold out
  3. in its stead I bought Shawn White Snowboarding for ps3... but it didn't work
  4. tried watching a silly comedy (while in a bad mood)... got to pissed to enjoy it
  5. went back into town and got a new disc of the game... it didn't work either
  6. tried doing some webdesign (what I was doing at work before this all started)... I was totally uninspired
  7. tried sleeping... got multiple calls / txt that woke me up
  8. went into work the next day and couldn't get ANYTHING done
  9. so I thought I'd try taking pictures of the fog... as soon as I walked outside it started pouring
  10. went back to Game Stop and they told me to download that latest game update... got back home and the internet wasn't working!!
So all of this is what lead to this video... so I hope there is little to no judgement. thx :)

[ Video to come later, when I compress it ]

Friday, March 20, 2009

i think i'll talk about twitter

Hello this is... oh uh, Welcome To The Show. Today we have VIP Guest Thomas Schambach, who also has a VIP Guest, Tony Danza... I mean Austin Saylor.

Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself. So tomorrow I'm doing something I haven't done in a while. I'm talking to the graphic designers at App! Talking in front of a group is what I haven't done in a while, but luckily, this time, I get to say whatever I want! It's about my experiences in the "real world."
(WHOAH... deja vous... no... it was a double deja vous. weeeeeird) Anyways, being that I'm so recently a graduate of the department, I'm going to give what advice I can think up. I'm basically going to just talk about my experience with spurts here and there of comic relief. ie Thomas E.S. It will be ridiculous no doubt. I think I'll talk about twitter some. I think it's great. And the more people use it, the more important it becomes and, hopefully, better conversations will happen.

Man this is just like I did it in school. Wait till the last min. This is gonna be fun.

Now for a plug... My friend Sam make beautiful music. It's really unreal.

Friday, March 6, 2009

3/4 cig

Finishing off the night with e2 (e squared) a pbs renewable energy special. Rural communities using wind energy, 3rd world countries using solar power and biodeisel, and cars not running on petrol... electric, biodeisel, ethanol, et Gotta get something of worth in my brain after Beverly Hills Chihuahua. (yes, it was so bad)

I had three quarters of a cigarette + three quarters of a beer tonight. I haven't smoked a cigarette in like 5 or 6 months. I never smoked much before. probly 5 / week max and 35 total cigs ever. but i like not smoking at all more than an ocassional cigarette. my throat hurts. cigarettes make me feel bad.

Its hard to transition from being around people all the time to being alone. i think that's why i havae the tv on. tom's in ATL and harry's in Charlotte. its so weird to be here with no one else. but i think this is the third time this has happened in the last couple weeks.

Wow.Tired.This is not going to make much sense tomorrow. haha. who knows. maybe i write better half asleep.... then again, like most things i do half asleep... it's probly half as (good.night)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sweet Sabbath


I have been busy. Feels like I don't take time to calm down. I love what I'm doing... but it is tiring. I'm going to spend this Sunday like a real Sabbath. No work... just being still... reading... watching... listening.

Just thinking about stillness is great.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Home, James

I'm going to Raleigh in about an hour. Gotta hang out w. mah main man Forman, for he is (NY)city bound. That is totally his element. He's gonna thrive. And I'm gonna visit. haha.

So, yesterday I was listening to my T.I. / Lil Wayne / other various gansta rappers Pandora station. This is a usual thing, but the most unusual thing happened. It played Paramore. Although awesome, they are far from gangsta.

Speaking of gangsta... we had a couple of gangsta wannabees do an amature job of tagging our work building, and the owner has said he will give $5,000 to anyone who can give a lead to the arrest & conviction of the two who done it. ECRS is the building, but Howard St was hit multiple times by the two hoodie clad hooligans. If Pete had caught them red-handed, he woulda put them in a world of pain... because he JUST finished paying off the building... and they tagged it over his parking spot.

Alright, all right. Time to pack. Can't wait to see my parents. Maybe I'll get to see Julia as well. It's her birthday and I haven't seen her in almost a year.

Monday, February 23, 2009

staring out to sea

I am realizing that this design world is not just a big pool of a community, it is an ocean. Things I'm diving into (pun intended? maybe): Twitter + PSDTuts + VECTORTuts + NETTuts + Behance + Harvest + Blogger + Facebook + lots and lots of blogs. But what I really want to do is actually develop some sort of relationship with real people out there. Right now its waaay abstract. Like I said before, if not only to myself, I want to give back to this community (as well as get more out of it) because I still feel like I am just standing on the shore staring at the sea.

Today I got contacted by someone who found me in my old high school's 'yellow pages.' It's only been out for a couple of days. This could be promising! This guy wants logo work + website. And I'm going to use Harvest to track my time / pricing! Stoked about that.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

all about videos

Harry Skeen: Adventurer

Today is a great day for the video world of the web. Well, the video world doesn't know it yet... but I'll let it in on a little secret: Tom has finished editing Harry's BEST JOB IN THE WORLD video application. It's incredible. Harry is the world's best adventurer. I don't believe anyone could do a better job adventuring around the Barrier Reef (Australia) than my tall, sharp-jawed roommate Mr. Skeen. But may I also add that Tom is the newest, bestest, up'n'coming videographer in the High Country.

The next video... I'll show right here. But since I'm writing this so far down in the blog, and there's a video to grab your attention... you've prbly already started it, and possibly assumed that it's Harry's video. Harry is in this video. But this was just a great day of canoeing. But now that I think of it, I wish we I called it "I wish we had ice skates."

For your viewing pleasure:

"Canoeing on a Lake" .... or "I Wish We had Ice Skates"

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Decisions Decisions Decisions

Welcome to my brain! Here are a few things I need to decide... and soon.

1. Where to live.
2. Whether to start a separate design blog or just do that on my own website (when I actually design it).
3. Delve into html / css (your traditional website format) or flash (new edgy, cool, interactive websites). I've been using flash heavily at work but I don't know how much I like it anymore (as far as full website). It's cool... or at least it can be. But I personally have been more into the functionality of static html sites / blogs. It's a tough decision. I'll prbly go into html sites for now, then get bored of that and switch back to flash.

It's funny to talking about these BIG DECISIONS I have to make... mostly because I pretty much already have an answer.

Now time to build a flapjack ocean scene ( for Harry's video application for The Best Job in the World (

Not OK

Pretty sure we have an opossum (or some other rather large rodent) in our attic!!! Yesterday it knocked some boxes down from a loft in the garage. I thought an intruder was hiding up there. It must be playing with the mice / shrew / various baby rodents that may be up there.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Feb 14th

Happy Valentine's Day

NikeID : Harry and I created some sweet Nike kicks... not these... but it is Valentine's day.

Pandora : Adele station... She is lovely.

I'm really excited right now. Sitting next to me is the new GameInformer.
Front Cover : God of War III
Can't wait.

Working on : MorningStar Website

Distractions : Woot, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr

Decisions to make : Where to live next year. I want to make this decision this weekend.

Saw Art Society last night @ Dragonfly Theater. bird with no legs / the deacons played first. I almost left my card at the bar. that would have sucked.